Headshots are installed in folders named by PersonID in the OLT volunteer database and grouped in a folder hierarchy with no more than 500 sets of volunteers per folder.
The folder hierarchy is as follows:


	Bob Hicks is PersonID = 1
	PersonID 1 is less than or = 500 and so is stored in folder "/HeadShots/500/1/"
	Conor O'Hegarty is PersonID 1240 and his head shots are stored in "/HeadShots/1500/1240"

The formula for the 500-level folder is Int((PersonID+499)/500)*500

The system currently shows only one headshot, based on a thumbneil with a name using the pattern "tn_*.*". If there is no file in the foldeer with this name template, then no headshot will be displayed.

If there is a larger image with the same file name except for the "tn_", then the thumbnail will provide a link to the larger file.

e.g. tn_1.jpg, 1.jpg, tn_bob.png, bob.png

There are no limits to file sizes, but the current practice is:

	thumbnails are 150 pixels wide
	full size photos are approximately 100 kb in size